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Welcome! Are you new to the New York in French community? Here are a few ideas for getting started...

  • Please use your full, real name. This makes our "social" network that much more social. (Click Settings.)
  • Add a photo to your profile so that other members can get to know you. (Click My Page.)
  • Customize your profile. Use the Text Box widget to tell us a bit about yourself. (Click My Page.)
  • View the Members page and send some friend requests to those you know, or wish to know. That way you can send and receive direct messages from those friends and control access to the content you post. (Click Members.)
  • Use the Invite features to bring your friends to the community. (Click Invite.)
  • Give us a status update; what projects or ideas are you working on right now? (Click My Page.)
  • Start a new discussion or comment on an existing discussion. Got an itch? Perhaps the community can scratch it by answering your question or at least empathizing with your woes. (Click Forum.)
  • Share your thoughts in a blog post, so the community can give you feedback. You can use the privacy features at the bottom of the editing page to control who can see or comment on your post. (Click Blogs.)
  • Hosting an event or meetup? Use the Events feature to share the news with the community. (Click Events.)
  • Track forum discussions and blog posts via RSS. The Blogs and Forums pages have individual feeds, so you can keep track of them when you are logged out of the community. (Click Blogs or Forums and scroll to the RSS icon at the bottom of the page.)
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