le mot du vendredi (23 mars)

Bonjourrr, les adorables !


Do you want to have a flawless French pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?

Here's the word of the week: CRAIE
Attention to the pronunciation of E after AI - it's tricky for many ;)
Practice it!

For bonus points, translate and write in the comments below a sentence using this word, something that is true for you.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start by downloading the free "Talk like a Parisian" Pronunciation cheat sheet: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/parisian-french-pronunciation-cheat-sheet-download/


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